Overactive Bladder ICD 10 N32.81 | What is the ICD 10 Code for Overactive Bladder 2024

  • Billable Code: Overactive Bladder ICD 10 N32.81 is designated for reimbursement purposes in the healthcare system.
  • Diagnosis: It pertains to “Overactive bladder” ICD-10-CM Diagnosis code N32.81
  • Effective Date: The 2024 edition became effective on October 1, 2023.
  • Localization: The U.S. version of ICD-10-CM Diagnosis code N32.81 may vary from versions used in other countries.

Overactive Bladder ICD 10 N32.81

ICD-10-CM Code Section Details:

ICD-10-CM Description Code History
N32.8 (5th Character Required) Other specified disorders of bladder Change Effective Date:10/01/2015
Detrusor muscle hyperactivity
Excludes1: frequent urination due to specified bladder condition – code to condition
N32.89 Other specified disorders of bladder Change Effective Date:10/01/2015
Bladder hemorrhage
Bladder hypertrophy
Calcified bladder
Contracted bladder
N32.9 Bladder disorder, unspecified Change Effective Date:10/01/2015

Convert ICD-10-CM K59.09 to ICD-9-CM:

2024 ICD-10-CM CMS General Equivalence Mappings (GEM)

ICD-10-CM Codes

N32.89 Other specified disorders of bladder

ICD-9-CM codes with description

596.6 Rupture of bladder nontraumatic
596.7 Hemorrhage into bladder wall
596.89 Other specified disorders of bladder

NOTE: When converting between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes, it’s important to consider the clinical context for the most accurate conversion.

Clinical Information:

Overactive bladder (OAB) is an illness in which there is an unexpected, sudden contraction of muscles within the urinary bladder, prompting an urgent desire to go to the bathroom immediately. OAB may lead to frequent urinary frequency as well as nightly awakenings for bathroom breaks (nocturia) or urinary incontinence and possibly incontinence as a consequence.

Code History:

Year Effective Date Change
2016 10/1/2015 New code (first year of non-draft ICD-10-CM)
2017 10/1/2016 No change
2018 10/1/2017 No change
2019 10/1/2018 No change
2020 10/1/2019 No change
2021 10/1/2020 No change
2022 10/1/2021 No change
2023 10/1/2022 No change
2024 10/1/2023 No change

Approximate Synonyms

  1. Urgency incontinence
  2. Detrusor instability
  3. Urge incontinence
  4. Bladder hyperactivity
  5. Urinary urgency syndrome
  6. Bladder muscle dysfunction – overactive
  7. Detrusor hyperreflexia
  8. Detrusor hyperreflexia of bladder

Remember: Reimbursement claims dated on or after October 1, 2015, require the use of ICD-10-CM codes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What is the ICD-10 code for overactive bladder?
The ICD-10 code for overactive bladder is N32.81.

What is the ICD-10 code for urinary urgency and incontinence?
The ICD-10 code for urinary urgency is R39.15 and for urinary incontinence is N39.41

What are the terms for overactive bladder?
An OAB (Overactive Bladder) can be defined by frequent urges for urination which often come suddenly and urgently resulting in incontinence or other bladder related symptoms, while frequently needing urgently. Other phrases used for OAB include bladder overactivity and detrusor overload.

What is the ICD-10 code for frequent urination?
The ICD-10 code for frequent urination (polyuria) is R35.0.

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Hi there! I'm Eric Gairy, and I'm the person who started this website. I live in New York, USA. I really love working with billing and coding stuff. I've been doing it for about 10 years now. I'm certified as a Professional Coder and Professional Biller in medical billing. My big aim is to help you understand how medical coding works, so insurance claims can be handled right, without any tricks. I'll share useful tips on understanding things like ICD-10 CM codes, CPT codes, and how to use modifiers. These tips are made especially for people who are new to the world of medical coding.

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